Thursday, September 24, 2015

needing that peace-that-passeth-all-understanding

Today has been just a little bit mad.

The blender broke in the morning - not surprising since it's quite a cheap one. But I discovered that you can use the handmixer to make sort-of-nice-cream, and I hope it can make the bliss balls I plan to bring on the plane tomorrow as well. Since it is a public holiday, we sat down to what will be our last full-family breakfast. Mum made the pancakes she's made since we were tiny, out of a 'Be-ro flour' cookbook which calls the pancakes 'dropped scones'.

After that, I signed up for all the orientation things (aka. the library induction tour) that I needed to in short bursts because the internet was going just slightly haywire, and then tried to pack. My clothes are still everywhere, and I don't know which suitcase to put the rice cooker in and I really want to bring 'the Diary of Anne Frank' but it might come to choosing between that and something by George Eliot which is on my optional reading list, and when that happens do you choose something  something comforting or semi-official?

The packing was going nowhere, and I was getting so worried about it, so I took some time out to do some yoga (no more hardcore workouts until my hip repairs itself) I felt a little less heartbeat-in-head-frantic after that, but I tried diving into packing again and it was about half an hour before I was going 'okay okay okayokayokay' to calm myself.

I said I wasn't hungry for lunch but Mum made me some rice and vegetables and squeezed my hand and I sat down and ate while sorting through which earrings to bring, and noticed that I hadn't realised I was hungry until I started eating.

Tonight is the leaving party.

Tomorrow is the leaving.

2 suitcases and a flight at 10 45 pip emma.

I shall wear stripes to the airport.

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