Monday, January 23, 2012

a matter of face

i hate the concept of face. just to save someones face i had to do something i feel it ethically and morally wrong.
ok perhaps i'm over reacting (which is something i do alot) and being petty but.
every reunion dinner they order sharks fin soup. every reunion dinner i have an inner emotional battle whether to eat it or to shame my aunt in front of every one.
and because its horrible to do the second i force spoonfuls of the goopy stuff down my throat and try not to think of the fact that the thing i'm eating is probably bleeding to death in the dark recesses of the ocean and when it dies and its bones are bleached white by the sea salt bubbles of carbon monoxide will be released and more aquatic creatures will be put to death (yes now i see i'm totally overboard on the melodrama and over reaction but this is truly what i think when i eat it.
so to save one person;s face i cause the death of many animals.
its shameful, im shameful

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