Monday, April 20, 2015

Emily's vegetari-an-niversary

Woke up this morning and wrapped the chocolate-cinnamon challah that I baked last night (that was the surprise!!!) in some newspaper, grabbed the acai pack from the fridge, and rolled up the poster with a lucy larcom quote that I painted and then rolled myself into the car to get to Emily's house. 

All these gifts were because today is Emily's vegetari-an-niversary! Last year on Good Friday 18th April 2014 Emily became vegetarian, and from then on she inspired me to try to change too. I took my time (and oh my, I failed miserably countless times) but eventually, following her example, I became vegetarian too. So today was a really special day.

I got to her house and let myself (with her keys) and surprisingly, she was awake! I played with Muffin and wrote in my diary while she got ready. When she finally was ready, I gave her the presents and then we went for breakfast at ghim moh.

Look at that. Look. At. That. It was delicious.

We talked a long time after that, as well as had some comforting silences. Both of us have the England ache syndrome quite badly - it's a good thing we're both going back in June.

'You know that feeling when you wake up in England ?' - Emily

I wish I was waking up in England, especially now the heat in Singapore is so oppressive, and scholarship interviews and the stress and research they require loom (CAAS on Monday). I am, of course, immensely grateful for scholarship opportunities, but I dread having to work so hard for it all to possibly amount to nothing.

We also talked about definitions and devolvement into bad language. When I was younger I was strictly told that 'shut up' and 'stupid' were bad words. As I grew older, I realised they had much worse counterparts. But now that I think about it - those two phrases are terrible. They tell someone that what they are saying is not worth hearing/deride someone's intellect. Why do people hurt people?

After more talking and some nice silences, we decided to walk around, and took some nice photos because the light was nice and I had the good camera with me.

It was really funny, because neither of us are models, and so in trying to get 'candid' shots we had to move around a lot. I was basically spinning around and prancing here and there, as strangers walked past probably thinking 'Xiao Ang Moh' (Mad Caucasian).

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