Saturday, April 25, 2015


This morning one of our first customers was a guys in a lavender shirt who ordered the ultimate croissant and a latte. I took his order, and then waited till he finished eating (whilst reading something by JRR. Tolkien) to clear his plate. When I did, he asked me 'Are you Hannah Yeo's sister?' Apparently he is her friend from Yale-NUS. The world is full of coincidences!

I watched him a little (because what else can you do on a a slow morning with no customers coming in?) and he started writing in a little book. At first I thought perhaps he was reading LOTR and he  was practicing Elvish, because his handwriting was so beautiful and slanted and long and cursive. So when I went to clear away his latte cup, I asked him what he was writing, and he told me it was his journal.

I was really amazed because I didn't know people just write journals like that!!! And I think people who do are really cool (I do. Just saying. Also so do Weixin and Ellis.) I remember being in Wessex tavern once and seeing a man writing in a journal and I just remember this burning urge to go over and ask him what he was writing about and tell him how amazing I think him writing is. Anyway, I told Derek (lavender shirt guy) he had really nice handwriting and then cleared away his cup.

Before he left he asked me how long I'll be working in the cafe. I wasn't sure if he was asking about that particular shift or in general, so I just told him 'till June', and then I wasn't sure if he asked how long I had been working in the cafe because after that he told me he's a regular but he's never seen me before. Oh well, bad hearing.

Bad hearing was quite a problem today because TWICE when I asked customers if I could clear away their plates they said 'Yes' but I heard no and walked away and was called back by a confused customer. (Profuse apologies followed) I was just generally rather not-with-it today, and when glen came over to help clear some plates for some reason I thought we wanted to shake my hand so I stuck mine out and then hastily tried to make it seem like I was reaching for a stray glass.

I was quite glad when this shift was over, because I was rather tired and I was looking forward to having my chocolate and beetroot cake at home. In the end I had 2 pieces because I could, and in about half an hour I'll be off to watch 'Public Enemy' with my Mum.

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