Saturday, January 3, 2015

2 Jan

I started the morning with a Skype call with Nathan (HELLO FRIENDS I'M BACK ON SKYPE KIND OF SORT OF PLEASE SKYPE ME) and the funniest thing happened-Hannah walked in in her nightie midway!!!!

Then I went for lunch (sushi and sushi and a 'single' banana) with Ben (Pontian noodles and sushi and a chocolate muffin)

And then we went cycling. We started off at his house (I wrote most of my Christmas cards while he got the bikes thank you) and then past the canal that goes past Emily's house (I thought of a detour to see Emily (unfortunately not), and remembered that gr8 day when I ran all the way from her house to mine and felt like I could conquer the world), and then onto the Ulu Pandan park connector which had this fantastic loopy bridge thing. We got to a playground (and I had a short nap on a blue slide that was like a cocoon, staring up at a blue sky interrupted by 3 different trees) and then we went on the seesaw and I told him about how I was afraid I was disappearing (a euphemistic way of saying the weight I lost from food poisoning is not coming back !!! no matter how many chocolate biscuits I eat)

We were sort of late for the track farewell so I cycled home as fast as possible to shower and change and cycle back to redeliver his bicycle (Lesson learnt: Don't cycle in a dress. Apology: Sorry random stranger for perhaps maybe flashing you unintentionally I promise I was wearing granny undies)

At track farewell I was sort of exhausted and so I wasn't very sociable. So i just ate the pizza (sans the ham and pepperoni) and the apple I brought, and talked quite a bit to Ryan (winner of the best conversation of my evening award) and then watched as the guys played a game where they spun on this spinny thing in the playground as fast and as long as possible until they fell off sick to their stomachs.

Back home I did a personality quiz and found out that I am an INFP which is the same as William Shakespeare which was the best news I've had all year I HAVE THE PERSONALITY TYPE OF THE MAN WHO WRITE MERCHANT OF VENICE AND ROMEO AND JULIET AND TWELFTH NIGHT let me just die in happiness and sonnets

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