Friday, December 16, 2011

measure for marshmallow

Every youth camp we play this traditional game called candlefight.
Each person has his or her own candle.
Each of the 4 group's have an upturned table with raffia string tied across the legs. The other teams have to try to burn through opposing teams raffia strings to make them fall.
But you can blow out other people's candle as long as yours is still lit. If yours goes out or is blown out, you have to relight at a common station in the middle of the playing field and you can't blow out other people's candles while yours is out.
During candlefight i blew out kevin's candle and the shock (i suppose) made him drop the marshmallows he was holding. It was really funny because he was like "MY marshmallowssssssssss" and then after staring forlornly at the fallen marshmallows, he said "right miriam, next time, blood will spill" He was meaning it literally of course, just that now he would take revenge.
So when we played last man standing when the objective is not to get your candle blown out, he came straight away to blow mine out, and after a while he succeeded. but the funny thing was, when he blew mine out, his was blown out by the wind. SO FAIL.
By the way, kevin was a really awesome person to me this camp because he was games committee member and sound man, but he never complained, and he always explained to me stuff from the bible and helped me understand my songs better so when i sang them i could truly appreciate God, and of course he saved us countless of times when worship was going crazy. The whole worship team was so thankful to him that we all wrote him notes thanking him for being our quiet hero.

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