a boy in my primary school who used to have a crush on me made me a MMV (i think that means maple music video) to the song i still by the backstreet boys for my birthday.
it was one of the sweetest things someone has done for me and i was really touched, but it was kind of awkward because i had no idea how to thank him.
anyway, that is beside the point for the topic of this blog post, i was just reminded of that because it had this scene in when the effigy of me and the effigy of him walked past each other and totally ignored each other.
I was thinking (having just being to a wedding and all) of how sad it is when 2 people like each other but go around ignoring each other because of embarrassment.
it reminded me of the movie remains of the day when the butler and the housekeeper are in love, but the butler is so stiff and formal that he never manages to profess his love to the housekeeper and she gives up (thinking he doesn't like her), and marries another man.
The said birthday present:
oh yeah, the maple music video; that's a classic. Very romantic.