Wednesday, November 7, 2012

from dust to dust

i just got a smart phone.
which actually makes me feel incredibly dumb when i use it.
i had to transfer my sim card to the new phone
and in doing so
i lost
a years worth of carefully cherished birthday wishes, condolences, strange word definitions, thank yous, advice, information, memory verses...
messages i worried over and cried over and thought and thought about their implications to me
it was either leave them in my old phone and let others read them at their pleasure
or, like the hara-kiri ritual of the ancient japanese,
destroy those memories lest they betray me later on
so now they are all gone

i will immortalise some here

but after tonight, i realise that technology can't really be trusted

"Really loved your card was the most touching thing all day"

"'ll be a different person"

"when doors to greener pastures are opened you walk through them. some of these doors open only once. don't let yourself be the one...that failed...culminating in a life of regret and misery"

"a wonderful person with a beautiful heart"

"3 more days and 3 more even shorter hours"


"i hope you toe is feeling better"

"i am now crying as a result of hiccuping"

"yes plant"

"Quixotic-rash and impulsive"

"i knew something was missing from my life"'

"here's to the year ahead"


"day of the remains"

"you are one of the few people i know who lives life to the fullest"

there are so many more, mostly memory verses which thankfully are stored in the bible. However i can't help but feel sad and a sense of loss for all those words that i used to read on the bus and giggle over and sigh over.

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