Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dentist daydreams

Today I spent half an hour lying on the reclined chair in Dr Wee Thiem Heng's clinic (also known as Uncle Thiem Heng because he's from our church care group) I always have somewhat strange thoughts on the dentist chair, as I try to avoid eye contact with Uncle Thiem Heng. Today my thoughts were:

'I wonder what happens when dentists have those scary dreams where your teeth fall out?'

'My mouth is such a lie right now I never ever brush my teeth and floss in the middle of the day unless I'm going to the dentist this is like my mouth photoshopped'

'I wonder if he'll be able to tell from my braces that I've been eating apples whole and not chopping them up into tiny bite sized pieces?'

'It's so strange to think that so many different people lie in this chair. I could be a president or a pauper and I'd still have teeth.'

'This is really relaxing. This over the hair dresser's any day.'

Other news: My braces are out! Retainers arrive tomorrow.

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