Saturday, August 8, 2015

Breathing in

Practice is a word I've been hearing a lot recently, because I've recently begun doing Yoga at home. It started when I was bored (as do many things - in fact, some say that being bored is what gives rise to creativity!) and so, remembering a divine Yoga class I'd had once I decided to try it again. I found a Thirty Day Yoga programme on Youtube, and have been doing it every day since.

Some days are really relaxing, like the first day (aptly called 'Easing into it') and the day of 'Yoga for spinal health'. Other days are challenging, like the 'Full Body Yoga' day or today's 'Half Moon Practice'. I've always considered myself someone with good balance but the half moon pose and crow pose leave me struggling!

The beautiful thing about Yoga is that the instructor in the programme always reminds me that this is a practice, not a series of poses or hard core exercise. It is really about finding the space and humility to say, 'This is hard, but I will try. It will take time, but I will try. And I will find joy and peace even in the moments of trying, and look forward to the moment of achieving with hope but not desperation.'

The other thing I really love, is waking up early in the morning and pushing open our louvred windows to let in the light, rolling out my mat, and just having half an hour to myself. It gives me the time to set my mind at rest and centre myself on Christ.

It may seem strange to mix Yoga, a practice derived from the Hindu religion, and my own Christian faith. Once I rolled up my exercise may after a short sun salutation practice and checked my Facebook page, only to see a link to a Christian discussion on whether Yoga was a sin!

I think that Yoga is really what you make it. When I breathe in, the words of the song 'Holy Spirit, Living breath of God, breathe new life into my willing soul' come to mind. I take the practice, and make it my own, focusing on starting the day with a calm heart resting on God's promises and letting go of my earthly worries.

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