Sunday, March 18, 2012

sunday morning rain is pouring

smiling at someone who used to make my tummy twist
his smile is still so beautiful but that doesn't matter any more.
monopoly deal in a tiny room
laughing at the boys who think they're so cool
ok they kind of are
running downstairs cos there's food.
balancing a three plates on my arms successfully
feeling lika boss (as james' phone says)
in the room.
small chair cos i'm cool like that.
eating watermelon but leaving the pips.
swinging jan Hai round
admiring his life-is-too-beautiful-and-it-amazes-me-every-time smile.
saving Jan hai from a flying ball.
racing in the lift up and down up and down.
play play play with Jan hai bubbles everywhere
down his shirt in my hair.
wash up
rain pours down
James and Nic and hannah are in town
without an umbrella
so they come home,
listening to james play
yellow yesterday
someone like you
yellow submarine
(is it me or does he like yellow too?)
singing along from under a hat
wishing i could play the guitar like that

I love sundays too too much. i think i live out my life in a sequence of sundays and the days in between are me just scraping by to another sunday.

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