Monday, January 30, 2017

Some of the simplest things

When I was in SCGS, I used to eat an apple every day. (there was also a time where I'd eat a whole carrot everyday, which I stopped after a while because my palms started turning orange.) But in Cambridge, my apples are almost never just apples. They  are slathered in almond butter, peanut batter, tahini, mixed with granola, baked into crumble, cooked into my porridge.

This week I crunched into an apple just by itself and was reminded that good things don't always require embellishments.

(That said, I just had apple with granola - embellishments are delicious in their own right)

I was reminded of that again when I re-created Chloe's chickpeas, which I ate in Lyon. All it requires is chickpeas, some spices, oil and water and a squeeze of lemon at the end.

This week also reminded me of how much I love skyping my family, and ellis, and how much I miss my constant stream-of-conversation with Emily which whatsapp only marginally makes up for.

Another simple thing I like remembering:

'For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.' John 3:16

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