Sunday, June 22, 2014


I spent 4 days over at Emily's house this holiday
and I am proud to announce
we are still best friends

On the first night I cooked soba and miso soup and peas (a very very green meal) and it was ok but bland but healthy YAY and we had yogurt for dessert

On the second day we were supposed to have pancakes for breakfast but I woke up late and she did too so we didn't

On the third day we went to watch Edge of Tomorrow which was pretty good I wasn't bored at all, and then we had impromptu H&M shopping after that

That was my favourite night because we were late (wow big surprise) to the theatre so we had to run like Mad girls to the station and out the train and through the shopping mall and everything was a blur except me and Emily and excitement

Afterwards we walked home barefoot (to be nelipots) and Emily stayed barefoot the whole way even though it hurt to walk on the concrete and we sang 'Stars' and imagined aliens attacking us and scared ourselves silly and then laughed like crazy after that

And we had tagliatelle for dinner (AND EMILY COOKED A BEAN) and delicious pancakes for dessert.

And then James came home from a week of army and field camp and told me about lying in a shell scrape under a canvas and watching the rain (which reminds me of 'tintinnabulation': the musical sound that wells from the bells bells bells)

And the day after that Emily and I had a (failed) expedition to ghim moh to find prata

And I can't help but think I am the luckiest girl in the world to have a friend like her

(guess what this is us walking home after the movie)

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