Wednesday, September 19, 2012

10:25 pm in co he rence

just to avoid banality and the loss of interest in my blog i decided to post something
I am a marcid noceur
i am sitting in front of a computer in a strange silence which is unusual because usually my headphones are plugged into my head filling it with music, rubbish, static and noise (all of which are different things closely related and narrowly separated)
beside me the fan is blowing on my right arm and making it cold and lifeless and i'm reminded of Merry in the LOTR because his right arm got busted when he killed a nazgul thing. but it recovered as will mine when i shower in Delicious warm water.
on my left are 2 empty kiwi skins, the remnants of a late night snack of golden kiwis yes i know you aren't supposed to eat anything 3 hours before you sleep but that's kind of impossible i think i, like a cow, have 4 stomachs.
i feel accomplished having finished 2 history essays despite being constantly distracted by 'some nights' which i tend to suddenly blare out at the top of my lungs to the volume that can be heard from downstaris apparently.
and i just found a beautiful blog of interesting words called other wordly which i think might be word play on other worldly because it's words are out of this world. you'll be seeing a startling difference in my vocabulary in time to come but not if i write things this late at ngiht
incoherence seems to be a forte nowadays but ihave noidea what ami writingoodnight

too late now
going to shower
save the world and eat your greens
school tomorrow
i'm not going to be able to get out of bed
there's a word for that starting with d
the only word i can remember now from that blog is mizpah which is something romantic buti can't seem to

oh gosh im going to look back on this post and reflect on my madness.

i today tried to find a word meaning someone who is and revels in dirt and grosssness but i couldn;t think
i think it's an indication of my tumble dryer mind which right now is probably having a short circuit (emily don't take physics)

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