Sunday, October 30, 2016

Four-ish things on running

1. The Iron Nun completely puts me to shame - 86 years old and doing triathlons. I'm going to remember her words when I run: 'One step at a time makes a marathon.' Amen.

2. I just ordered a pair of these leggings. Made under ethical conditions, fairtrade, each pair is made from 25 old plastic bottles (hooray for amazing upcycling!) and for the price of just shipping - count me in!

3. This video is lovely, and begins to express how many strange thoughts come into my head when I run.

4. I love love runner-writer-film-maker Alexi Pappas - read an interview she did here. (Also how does she run in a bun?! Gravity-defying)

4ish. I've been alternating between my old vomero 9 shoes and these new vomero 10 shoes, and it's funny what a difference shoes can make! The new ones are much lighter, and while occasionally my feet get sore in the 9s, that hasn't happened as yet in the 10s. I'm going to keep alternating, to save enough mileage in these ones for the actual half-marathon. (Yes! It's official! March 2017 here I come!)

4 ish-ish. My favourite running blog right now is - she's a marathon runner and her positive inspiration and beautiful trail pictures just make me want to push myself and get outside!

4 ish-ish-ish. I ran this morning, through a very foggy Cambridge. I started off with Becky (we run Tuesday and Sunday mornings together) a warm up jog for about 6 km, then she finished but I kept on, speeding up a little to a cruising speed till I got to the Girton playground (my new secret discovery!) before I turned back, and sped up for the last couple of kilometers. My longest run yet!!!! And longest sustained timing/no breaks!!! Sundays have become my long-slow-sustained days, and I look forward to every Sunday, because since I got slow I have the reserve to go further, and breaking distance is just so fulfilling!!! I hope to break the 17km mark by the end of term.

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