Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Stuff to pack in lunchboxes

Mini hamburger patties (http://vegetarian.about.com/od/veggieburgerrecipes/tp/bestburgers.htm)Bean, veggies and cheese quesadillaMini bagel with cream cheese (I can bake bagels!)
Pasta with tomato sauce and veggies (try smitten kitchen naked tomato sauce!!!)
Avocado slices with crackers
Tortilla with hummus/tzaziki
Leftovers from the night before (Indian food, pasta, rice...)
Sautéed zucchini or squash or any vegetable actually
Broccoli (my love, there's only you in my life...)
Cherry tomatoes (...the only thing that's right...)
Yellow and red peppers (...My first love...)
Carrots (...You're every breath that i take...)
Edamame (damn.)
Cheese cubes or string cheese
Hard-boiled egg
Mixed berries, grapes, kiwi, melon (kiwi is usually messy)
Orange slices
Half a banana
Apple slices with cinnamon (MY ENDLESS LOVE)

Cheese sandwich with tomato and/or avocado and/or egg
Soba with tofu, beansprouts and stuff
Ba na na
Apple and peanut butter sandwiches
chocolate cake
chocolate chip cookies
apple chips
kale chips
banana cake
apple pie
Lemon Drizzle cake

I am ready for term 4.

that school canteen's lack of veggie fare WILL NOT CONQUER ME

(oh did i mention? I am now vegetarian)

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