Saturday, March 2, 2013


I have so many questions

i realise that life in SC was so sheltered
and now that i'm in AC i'm learning so much

which is good but at the same time it's making me re think so many things i;ve taken for granted before

for example

Can gay people really be blamed for their sexual orientation?
What if they're really born gay?
And if they are, then why does God hate the fact that they are gay (even though he still loves them as beautiful individuals)?

Why can't christians and non christians date?
If my mum hadn't dated a non christian, i wouldn't be here.

Why don't people feel God during worship songs when that's when i feel him most intensely?
Does he only reveal himself to some people?
Is there anyone who will never ever feel God's love?

Am i really an introvert? (i think i have the answer to that already-yes)
Then why am i so comfortable around some people?

I'm going to ask ollie about all this on sunday
maybe he can help me untangle all the conflicting thoughts that have their own opinions/justifications
my head can't take another week of this constant moral debate going on

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