Thursday, August 29, 2013

last week

Es ist ein schöner Tag

that means a beautiful day in german

It's been a week since Reshem went back to Germany and i kind of miss him already
He's used to be the neighbourhood friend
Now he's more like the older brother i've never had
(even though he's younger. he still calls me mei mei sometimes to annoy me)

Anyway, while he was around I'd come home to the prospect of seeing him lounging on the sofa and then being fine with whatever i wanted to do ('don't do it just for me') which was usually swimming and badminton and playing monopoly deal while eating gummy bears

I probably had a lot of exercise

We did all the exciting things i used to do everyday like find secret passages in the neighbourhood and sneak past the security guard at temasek club to go swimming and slide down the hot metal slide in the play ground with our wet bodies so we'd go zipping down so fast you can't draw breath before you get spit out on the asphalt.

And badminton on the grass, playing on even when ants started biting. I think he let me win him 10-1. Or maybe it's just my mad skillz (oh please miriam) Timmy has gotten surprisingly good at badminton and i think maybe a reason i was prolonging playing again was because i secretly knew he'd win  (Pride and prevarication of an older sister)

And swimming oh glorious swimming temasek club never changes you jump in and the waters crystal
It's perfect and between playing pool volleyball and tag you can hold you breath and hunker down in the water and hear the droomdroom sound (a generator?) and feel your hair (I love the feeling of hair underwater it floats and caresses your face like a cloud, but when you get up from the water it becomes a wet hunk of wetness bleurgh) and just blow bubbles. Although on the last day i couldn't swim (girl stuff) i still paddled (shorts up toes pointed) and got soaked anyway because kunaal splashed me and reshem almost dragged me completely under.

I did my history essay outline beside the pool
It's probably my happiest outline

Reshem also says funny things

instead of 'it's you serve' (context: badminton) he says 'you got ball'
and instead of 'bass' he says 'b-a-zz'
and because he likes rap and hiphop he says 'imma' instead of 'i'll/i'm going to' and 'that's tight' instead of 'that's cool' (Gangster all)
'data...i like that word data'

Anyway on the last night Reshem and i rode our bikes down across the old train tracks to the coffee shop in commonwealth because he was dying for an ice kacang, and he couldn't believe i'd tried one and hated it
So he let me try his ice kacang and it still tastes absolutely vile
And on the way back we took a detour and he convinced me to ADVENTURE and just ENJOY after A levels because i'm going to spend my life in work and why not cling on to freedom while it's still here?

Anyway he's gone back which sucks it's like a repetition of Aymee leaving :(
I haven't swum in Temasek club since he left
But i think i'll go this sunday

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