Tuesday, September 6, 2011


URGH. Yesterday, i met up with a friend in school to do filming. i knew she was bringing her boyfriend and his friend, but i never expected it to be SO BAD.
The filming was fine although a bit awkward at first, and my mic kept falling down the front of my shirt.
THEN we went for lunch at city plaza, my friends treat. that was when things went icky.
Number one, in the bus and the train, my friend was permanently hugging her boyfriend, so that i and the other boy were left standing awkwardly. Ok, maybe i am exaggerating but still it wasn't comfortable watching theme.
And then, when we got to the restaurant, my friend and her boyfriend went to withdraw money, and i was left alone with the other guy. Awkward much!

And when we were eating lunch, which, by the way would have been very nice because the food tasted awesome though it was overpriced, the two guys kept making thats what she said jokes which are not the nicest things to hear if you are a girl and if you are eating lunch, or for that matter, if you are not eating lunch!

After that, we went to ben and jerry's to grab some ice cream and i though hooray, because i love ice cream BUT the horrible jokes continued and what was worse was that it became obvious that my friend and her boyfriend were trying to set me up with the other guy ( i don't know if he was in on it too but i give him the benefit of the doubt).

When i realised, i felt pretty sick because number one, i don't like that guy in that way, and number two, I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE. ok, i said it but for heaven's sake please dont ask me who because i won't tell. Its almost impossible that anything will happen between us but for now i'd like to hold on to my impossible fantasy romance and not have some other guy forced on me!

So, now that i've vented my fury and disgust, i'd just like to say that i don't blame my friend, she
probably thought i was enjoying it (i can hide my feelings pretty well when i want to, its showing
them thats hard usually), and i just really NEVER EVER want to go through that EVER AGAIN


  1. hahahahaha, miriam. im sooo interested. im questioning you on sunday. what this !! :I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE !! ahhh miriammmmm ..... :) im good i commented :)

    crust :)

  2. love you crust :) shall tell you a secret to make up for with holding this one.
