Thursday, January 24, 2013

just a thought

it has struck me how much i am made of other people
i mean obviously my mum and dad biologically made me
my habit of drinking water in the morning before i do anything is inherited from dear daddy
my rolling eyes at lameness is inherited from Hannah and developed (and perhaps perfected) by Tavi Gevinson
I started saying 'not even kidding' because i heard someone say it and thought it sounded cool
i had a phase of tapping the edges of my pointer fingers together when i was nervous because i saw it on TV once i think
i bite my lips (rather, chew my lips) because i saw Anne, the girl from the famous five books by Enid Blyton, do it once before she ran for help to save the rest of the gang.
I'm trying to find a piece of me that's totally original
It's kind of depressing when you realise you aren't your own person

1 comment:

  1. You are uniquely MIRIAM!!!
    Eg. The way you say "oh! You know what?" in a super miriam-is-excited way.
    How you always burst into humming at the most random times.
    And how you always walk while biting your lips together (unless you're talking) and focus on the ground (unless you're looking for us in the canteen).

    I'm not stalking you but these are very distinct miriam traits i've come to recognise over the past 4 years. YOU ARE SPECIAL! (:
