Friday, January 8, 2016


I've finished my entire reading list! As I turned the last page of 'The Changeling' and then lay back in bed happily, Grandma came up the stairs.

'Grandma, I've finished my reading list!'

'Darling! How wonderful!' she said, 'What are you going to have as a treat?'

She looked around and spied the big cardboard box which belongs to a ladder, which has been living beside my bed since Christmas.

'Do you want to jump into that box?'


Later on, I was about to walk down to the village shop to pick up some tomatoes for our falafel wraps which I was making that night (Grandma really liked the falafel, and asked what was in 'this green wodge') Grandma sidled up conspiratorially, and handed me some money. 'You'll need that,' she said.

'I think I have enough in my purse, Grandma, don't worry.'

'No, you see I need another...'

'Another what?'

And, like a shady drug dealer she whispered her guilty pleasure.

'Cadbury's dairy milk.'

I laughed, because I knew she already had two bars stashed in the side cupboard. So opened the cupboard and took one out for her.

'Ah,' she said, snapping off a square, 'I think I'm addicted.'

Because it was mildly windy, she made me wear three layers and tried to persuade me into a hat which looked a bit like a knitting experiment gone awry. I refused the hat but relented on the layers, and as a result it was a very tight fit getting my coat on! I felt a bit like a butterfly trying to wriggle out of its cocoon.

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