Friday, October 23, 2015

Little moments this week

1. I saw a woman just staring at the cows in the fields of Kings College. She was so peaceful, so caught in the moment, so in her own space.

2. I realised that somewhere in the last 2 years of my life I have begun touching my hair instead of my earrings when I am nervous

3. 'Hollow in the Ferns' from the Far From the Madding Crowd soundtrack playing in my head as I walked under the dappled golden light through the short cut from Sidgwick to the Market Square.

4. While trying to find a bicycle helmet (I learn from my mistakes!) I asked the shop assistant to help me, and he helped me fit the helmets on and test their size. I realise how rare it is for people to touch our faces - his fingers near my jaw felt so strange. I think the only people who have ever touched my face are my family, and Agnes, who has a thing for chins. I realised how intimate the line 
'And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod/
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,/
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.' 
in the poem 'High Flight ' by John Gillespie Magee, Jr is.

(You should look up the story behind the poem)

5. An old woman along sidgwick avenue scuffed through the leaves just like a little child.

6. I woke up on Wednesday with the word 'Sasquatch' in my mind. I don't know why it was there because I was dreaming about trying to find something in a place with too many doors. But I discovered it is another word for yeti.

7. As I walked to Sidgwick on Tuesday, I looked at the conkers that had fallen from the trees and thought ' I will conker my essay!' And found myself terribly funny and kept smiling to myself all the way to Sidgwick.

8. I found out that J.R.R Tolkien was responsible for defining the first few entries for the letter 'H' in the Oxford English Dictionary, and that a criminal was responsible for defining quite a few others.

9. I have a new obsession with my tiny-shared-kitchen-made granola, which I make every Wednesday to celebrate another essay handed in!

Coco-Nut Granola

Flaked Almonds
Walnuts (which is just crumble in my hands into little dice sized pieces)
Pumpkin Seeds
Desiccated Coconut
Agave/other liquid sweetener (pretty sure maple syrup would be AMAZING)
A tiny bit of coconut oil (not necessary though, I regularly make it without when I forget to bring my jar of coconut oil to the kitchen)
Nut butter if you can spare any!

Mix them all together and pop it into the oven. I usually do about 150 degrees or more, sometimes I fiddle with the temperature settings while it's inside, and I don't really mark the time taken, I just open the oven and stir it round occasionally, and when it's all uniformly golden-brown I take it out! I think it takes between 30 to 45 minutes.

10. Toby Wu Zhi if you are reading this you should look at this - BLESS HAIRDRESSERS! It was mentioned in my lecture today and I immediately thought of you!

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