Saturday, August 22, 2015

This is what happens when I try to film myself

I was trying to film a video for the church Young Adult team as a review of my 30 days of Prayer Journal experience. I was really bad at it (both the videoing and the prayer journal), and probably did about 7 days of the 30 (Why could I do thirty days of yoga and not thirty days of prayer? Because I don't like structured prayer, being told what to pray about, I like to pray as a conversation with God. On the other hand, morning bleary eyed Miriam needs someone to tell her to do a downward dog.)


  1. Hi! Just recently watched this movie and this was one of my favourite scenes that I must share with you. It's a dialogue between two people about music basically. Josh Radnor is a much better director than he is an actor haha I really enjoyed this movie butI don't recommend you watch it because it's not all that feel good.

  2. HAHAHHAHA meeyum you are too cute ilyvm :))
