(Dear Toby, for the sake of writing I'll refer to you in third person because first person seems unreal.)
Saturday cycling with Toby was rejuvenating. I loved cycling behind him and listening to snatches of his descriptions of officer life and things he's learned. I especially loved the look on the faces of passers-by before they realised he wasn't talking to them he was talking to 1 metre behind me.
And the hill next to MOE was the best thing my suspension-less bike whizzed down it like a swimmer's breath after breaking the surface.
We got safely to Holland Village's Da Paolo and went in to get banana and toffee tart which lauded by the woman in front of us
and I quote
"That Tart Is Amazing!"
Conversation specifics i shall not disclose but I did feel relieved talking about PEOPLE and how perhaps we all are secretly mercenary and how process is always, always important.
Cycling back we went through the Koufu at commonwealth MRT which i haven;t cycled from since Reshem bought an ice kachang there and i watched him eat it since I don't like ice kachang.
Then we cycled round the neighbourhood and i silently marvelled at how lucky I am to live here and to have friends that spend their time with me.