Monday, November 30, 2015

My November collection of sky

One thing I never fail to feel grateful for is the fact that my room has a westerly window. I get to see a sunset every day, and when I look at it I think of Grandma who also watches the sunset out of her kitchen window every day, and home where I would watch for the October sunsets from the balcony. Sometimes, if I'm on my laptop and there's a particularly striking sunset, I quickly make a short note of it. Here are some of my favourites:

-Today the sky was made of bubble wrap.

-The sunset rose from the bottom rather than descended from the top - weird. A huge black cloud rose from the horizon and covered half the sky like someone pulling up a blanket.

-The evening sky had a pink cloud scar cut across it.

-The clouds moved across the sun like my three year old self scraping a plastic toy fence through a pool of paint on paper.

- All blue and gold like that Van Gogh painting.

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