I do occasionally write poetry, mostly on slips of paper in class when i am frustrated with how slow things are going or how stupid i am in grasping this or that. Once I had a very productive poetry session in a cafe when i had locked myself out of home and had nothing but a napkin to write on.
Here are two that i found in my planner, forgotten and written in April
They were both on a slip of paper, which i had 'titled' "such a beautiful mind, such frightening actions"
We are wide awake at night
Perfect silence thought in flight
Pure escape from suffocation
Humans become a solitary nation
(I wrote this when i saw every one falling asleep in class one day...I still remember distinctly how sleeping beauty-esque the classroom became and how i felt like i was the only one awake)
I do get angry/proud so i shall include the first bit. I think it began as a crude sort of rant and progressed into something a little more poetic.
I have such disdain for humanities messes and petty quarrels,
it's hatred and bitter,bitter love.
The rifts, the chasms the wounds that rip
open flesh and pull out our pathetic
beating hearts-clinging on to vestiges of life for reasons they know not.
Hearts that would rather be still and
relinquish the threads that tie us to earth
Shoot upward, atmosphere cutting away others and
Cold, naked, spinning in space.
Perfectly weightless, all is in place.