This was an awfully long time ago but it was such a beautiful glorious morning that i just can't NOT write about it
So, riding on the cooking high after making the quiche for beth's dinner party (this was mid September i think, September holiday week) i invited my trackers round for a spontaneous pancake breakfast at my house the next morning (I don't know why i call them my trackers although they aren't mine per se i suppose i just feel like they are intrinsically part of me, just like family is part of me)
Spontaneous might not be the word because it gives this air of carefree and lumpfree ease.
Always the last minute planner, i asked them round at approximately 10 pm the night before the breakfast.
And i got home at around half past 11
to wake up the next day at 7 ish to whip up the batter (thanks niki for the best ever recipe) and fry probably about 50 palm sized pancakes (or more)
Ben, Becky, Chun tat, Lauren an Xingyuan came round, and helped set up the mat and carry down the juice and the plates and the condiments and stuff
and then we just sat around and talked, and found out about xingyuans peanut butter allergy, and we laughed so much i don't see how we managed to eat as well but after a while we did manage to finish the ginormous stack and headed back up, where we just flopped on the sofas and i showed them the magic coin swallowing box
which they very cleverly de-mystified very quickly
and i also managed to crop the box causing all the coins to spill everywhere but they helped me fix it together again (and i finally know how to open it hahaha)
anyway after reading this you are probably bored and after writing it it's frustrating i ca't translate the magic of the morning here effectively oh well this emotionless documentation will have to do IT WAS A GREAT DAY I SWEAR