Wednesday, October 1, 2014

body bits

The other night Emily and I were having a conversation over which part of our bodies were our favorite (degrading metonymy perhaps but i think euphemistically its better to call it self reflection and body appreciation because honestly i like talking about bodies. ok now i just sound slightly manical.)

Hers was her gorgeous gorgeous hair (Which by the way I think is GORGEOUS i wish I had thick wavy hair too) and her eye lashes. 

Mine was the crease my shoulders make when I raise my arms, and my ears (once in secondary school a girl said she loved my ears and wanted to draw them which reminded me of just how much I like them too. Perhaps that's why i touch them so much when I'm nervous)

Anyway, After seeing someone shaming another person for her body this week, I needed to write this as a way of reminding myself and readers that BODY SHAMING IS NOT OK and BODY LOVING IS NOT PRIDE OR VANITY it is HEALTHY. I shall try to be unabashedly proud of my body, although in its entirety there are bits i struggle with loving but i'll start with the small parts. And hopefully you'll look at your body too and see how weirdly wonderful your eyebrows are or marvel at the intricate delicacy of your wrist veins or think how graceful the slope of your back is.

God sees nothing but beauty in you.
-Kate Wicker

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